Tuesday, June 15, 2010

today I am thankful for

1. The little things in life like my niece yelling my name a million times a day just to hear me answer her. Or playing in the rain. Or the fact my son learns a new word everyday!
2. The miracle of birth. I am so proud to be an auntie again in just a few days! I cannot wait to meet the next precious "roberts" kid!
3. The miracle of conception- we are trying hard and we know God will allow it when its time! But how cool that something sooo tiny and minute can grow into a baby?
4. Cell phones! To keep us in touch with all the VIP's in life! Family and friends alike!
5. Family, mothers, in laws- all working to give us the most beautiful home in the shortest amount of time! And all helping us move into this weekend! ;)
6. Social networking sites- mostly FB for me. I have just recently come in contact with another childhood friend and it amazes me everytime this happens because I know it would be virtually impossible to stay a part of all their lives without it! :)
7. Kids! Kids and the crazy things they do- day and day out that make me giggle, and stare in amazement! They are little sponges!
8. My hard working, loving, caring, understanding, amazingly wonderful husband as of 2 years on Monday June 21st! I cannot begin to tell u how blessed I am to have him for my own. He and my son are two of lifes most amazing blessings! I love them so much!
9. Movies- to keep little ones distracted and hopefully lull them to sleep. ; (as I sit and write this next to a very overly tired 6 year old making me watch avatar again!!)
10. Life! How truly amazing it is to wake up to this beautiful life of mine every day!

Good Night and God Bless!

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

counting my blessings

Our New Home
1. We can finally expand our family without worry!
2. Our very own HUGE YARD!
3. A garage to park in during our hideous winters!
4. A separate space for day care!
5. More stairs for Grahammy that he can do alone- less stairs for mommy to carry up groceries and babies!
6. Neighbors!
7. Two bathrooms!
8. More room for family gatherings!
9. Room for sleepovers!
10.Gardening (when I get around to it)

1. The little goofs can't stand being apart for 2 days but when they're together they fight like brother and sisters!
2. A BRAND NEW BABY ROBERTS on June 23rd! This Auntie can hardly contain herself!
3. Lana is speaking in full sentences a lot of the time.
4. Graham has spoke in quite a few two and three word sentences. They are both able to better express themselves, making life a whole lot easier!
5. Graham and I have bonded even closer with daddy being gone all evening to work on house. He has a new routine- play "mine" with mommy's blankie by taking it away and exclaiming "mine". Then decides to share it and cuddle for awhile while asking me to tickle his feet.
6. Wylie is out of school for the summer and has already been a huge help to me- he has allowed me to take a shower before noon everyday he's been here!
7. The babies are taking well to their new nap schedule- only one nap a day after lunch.
8. Goes for new house and babies- new sand box- they played nicely in it for an hour the other day! Oooohhhhwwwwiiiieee I can't wait to move and put them in it everyday.
9.The kids all are very confident in their swimming skills already this summer. G wants to be left to swim on his own in mom's new 4 1/2 foot pool. He paddles and kicks all on his own. We start swim lessons again soon!
10. My mom has officially resigned and we are going to take on home day care in my new home- she and I will be there everyday raising the ones closest to us. This is perhaps the most amazing blessing of all that I get to be with the precious little ones day in and day out!

Now watch me complain in my next post... ;) hope you all can find time to count your blessings everyday. These are just a few of the many many I have!