Tuesday, June 15, 2010

today I am thankful for

1. The little things in life like my niece yelling my name a million times a day just to hear me answer her. Or playing in the rain. Or the fact my son learns a new word everyday!
2. The miracle of birth. I am so proud to be an auntie again in just a few days! I cannot wait to meet the next precious "roberts" kid!
3. The miracle of conception- we are trying hard and we know God will allow it when its time! But how cool that something sooo tiny and minute can grow into a baby?
4. Cell phones! To keep us in touch with all the VIP's in life! Family and friends alike!
5. Family, mothers, in laws- all working to give us the most beautiful home in the shortest amount of time! And all helping us move into this weekend! ;)
6. Social networking sites- mostly FB for me. I have just recently come in contact with another childhood friend and it amazes me everytime this happens because I know it would be virtually impossible to stay a part of all their lives without it! :)
7. Kids! Kids and the crazy things they do- day and day out that make me giggle, and stare in amazement! They are little sponges!
8. My hard working, loving, caring, understanding, amazingly wonderful husband as of 2 years on Monday June 21st! I cannot begin to tell u how blessed I am to have him for my own. He and my son are two of lifes most amazing blessings! I love them so much!
9. Movies- to keep little ones distracted and hopefully lull them to sleep. ; (as I sit and write this next to a very overly tired 6 year old making me watch avatar again!!)
10. Life! How truly amazing it is to wake up to this beautiful life of mine every day!

Good Night and God Bless!

1 comment:

  1. Girl, you are such a good writer!
    Glad you have so many blessings to count!

    Love your FB comments as well.
