Thursday, August 2, 2012

Thank you Mom!

Things you take for granted before having children:
showering alone, door closed music blaring. Time to shave legs while in that shower alone. Blow drying hair, applying makeup. Or lotion. Using the bathroom alone, uninterrupted. Anything to do with being in the bathroom without children for a time period equal to or greater than 30 seconds!
Also, cooking. Making things like salsa. Cleaning without it being dirtied up 10 seconds behind you. Silence. Watching TV shows that don't start with curious and end in George. Leaving a room without someone tagging along. Shoving my face full of whatever I want without someone asking for a piece/bite. Doing laundry. Without help. Going to lunch without having to feed someone else. Or take them to the nasty public restrooms within 20 seconds of entering an eating establishment (kills my appetite quick) Shopping without a shopping cart full of kids. Or without a stroller and diaper bag. Or without having to visit the toy section and hearing "can I have that" a few hundred times.
And then there's things like affording and having time for a pedicure, facial waxing (which I didn't need so much before children-thanks hormones).

The list goes on and on!
I am grateful for this day. Thank you mom!

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