Monday, September 17, 2012

A bad friend.- where I've been lately.

I feel like I owe some of you an explanation. I realize I've been a horrible friend to some of you... probably since having Bella. I haven't called, stopped by, or even "liked" Facebook statuses. I still post on Facebook of course- its my therapy. Maybe some of what has been going on here will help to explain why I've been absent from relationships.
Some of you have called, texted and made a point to get ahold of me. I so greatly appreciate you!

Really to sum it I've been caught up in life. A life that hasn't been all butterflies and rainbows. But it for sure hasn't been awful either! a little complicated. And a lot busy. On a little sleep.

My sweet sweet Grahammy. Grahammers is getting more difficult to handle. We're in the process of having him evaluated for an autism spectrum disorder. He doesn't like change. Doesn't socialize well. He has some sensory "quirks". All of which can cause meltdowns. And he's pushing 50lbs these days. This momma can't physically handle him sometimes. :( Not to sound all bad though! He's also so very loving, very innocent and hilarious! He loves cleaning and playing in his own little world. He has a vocabulary of a 40 yr old man! I love him just the way he is, but I need some extra help sometimes and I hope that we can get things nipped in the butt BEFORE he hits school age and we get a big uh oh!

BellaRose sweet BR. BR doesn't sleep. She just seems to not require the usual amount of sleep that kids need. I think G sleeps more in a day than her! And when she's up, she's going. She's into everything. She's had more "close calls" than any kid I've ever seen. If she were my first I'd be in the ER with her every other day. Lol! And she doesn't talk. And by talk I mean she doesn't care to even try to say words. She communicates though. She knows what she wants and you're supposed to know too. Before her in fact... So you can deliver it to her on a silver platter before she even thinks of it. Ha! And I don't have the patience or maybe she doesn't for sitting there signing and repeating myself like a parrot. She screams and then sets G off and he screams and then I want to scream. But man alive is she SMART! And I think she may have inherited the milk man's athleticism. ;) and she knows how to work a room. She's got a cheese face she does that will melt the devil himself.

I don't mean to sound like I'm complaining. I'm not really. Just more explaining the reality of my life. The stuff that doesn't make it on Facebook. The reason I back out of playdates last minute with lame excuses. The reason I sometimes seem grumpy, distracted, absent or upset. The reason I can't be the friend you deserve.

And if I didn't have a husband who was incredibly understanding and wonderful, I don't know what I'd do.

And the family that helps out. I couldn't ask for more.

I've been overwhelmed. In pain and overwhelmed. And I go up and down. Some days I take it all in stride and some days I'm balling when Martin comes home for lunch. Please don't suggest meds. I went there. Didn't like it and won't go back. Plus I don't feel like I'm "there" anymore. I'm dealing. I'm keeping a positive outlook for the most part. I have friends and family and an amazing husband I talk to when I'm having a "glass half empty" day. And they listen and gripe back and I feel all better. But then I have those of you who are caught up in life too. Who I used to reach out to. And just don't have the energy to do so anymore. I still love you all dearly. And someday it will be better and I will look back and laugh at the trivial stuff that overwhelmed me back then. But for now I'm just living and praying. And relying on people who put up with me while I'm in this rut.

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