Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Boo Tooseday

Knew today was gonna be a bummer but MAN! it was really a doozie!

Started out at the dentist, getting a filling for the first time in 18 years. In fact only my second filling in my entire life! I cannot stand needles, have a horrible gag reflex, and despise foreign objects in my mouth. I was close to a heart attack sitting there anticipating the numbing... I could feel my poor little heart beating in my eyeballs for goodness sakes.

The next doctor's appointment is the one I was really dreading, the one all women put off until it's ridiculous. THE OH SO FABULOUS ANNUAL PAP SMEAR APPT! To top it all off- I was seeing a new Nurse Practioner for it. She was great just in case u were wondering. But I did find out someone lied or refrained from explaining I had to have a repeat mammo for a lump I've had for awhile (which is scheduled for next week). And the joyous news is the lump is (feels) bigger. I really pray it doesn't mean a biopsy this time... I am also getting a ultrasound for my gall bladder which I am glad to be getting done finally. I however, don't have time to do surgery if needed at this point. So let's pray I'm a big baby and it's not as bad as it seems...

1 comment:

  1. Oh, I pray that you get a WONDERFUL report, dear one.

    Check out my blog today. I think you could write some Brenda love.

