Wednesday, September 1, 2010

A day in the life of ME

Wednesday September 1st

2:35 ish AM- wake up frantically swatting at my leg and blankets, screaming "SPIDER"
(bad dream... Or was it???)
3:00 ish AM- still awake wondering was it really a dream or was there a freaky spider coming to get me???
3:30 ish AM or somewhere thereabouts- drifts back into a fitful sleep, slapping husband every few minutes or so, counting down the days until he gets his mouth guard in my head
6:30 ish- Martin gets up, therein waking me up, then hears Graham starting to wake up
7:05- G is really up now.. Guess I will go get him since Martin isn't out of bathroom yet, even though I have to pee big time. Meets Martin in hallway- he takes G and lets me take a 4 minute shower before he has to leave
7:50- Travis arrives with Dax and Lana NOW THE FUN BEGINS!!! I had prepared eggs a little earlier and G has eaten so I sit Lana down to eat her eggs. Of course G wants more...
8:30 we head downstairs to play and I am waiting to hear from Tiffany what time Dax ate and will be hungry again (Travis never seems to know when I ask him)
8:30-9:30- Break up multiple fights, fold and sort laundry, make Dax a bottle and feed him
9:30-10:30- getting a little desperate, take kids outside to play in a very wet sandbox, Dax in stroller, he wants to go to sleep but can't. I pick him up get him to sleep, put him in DARK QUIET room downstairs where (******fingers crossed*****) he will sleep a little while without the "toddlers" waking him up... He goes down easily, I put a VERY FILTHY Lana and Graham in the bathtub and rinse their clothes out and put them in washer...
10:30-11:00- kids in highchairs, markers and paper on trays, (Please, please, please color while I clean up, make lunch and go pee!)
11:00- Feed kids what looks to be the grossest lunch ever: Mac n cheese with hotdogs cut up in it, applesauce and strawberry yogurt (forgot veggies today). THEY CHOWED!!!! Graham looked like and Ethiopian with his little pot belly poking out. They then sat dow to watch Calliou and let their lunches digest. I also talked to Tiffany in there somewhere- she called to make sure I was doing ok after my little freak out over what turned out to be a birth mark on Monday. LOL!
11:30- toddlers down for a nap!!! SHHHHHHH!!! What's that u hear??? NOTHING!!! Hurray! Silence! I put on a DVR'd show while I clean up lunch and sit down to take a deep breath
NOON- my hubs comes home for lunch (forgot my caffinated drink I politely requested)
12:30-1- more silence!!!
1:15-2:00 make Dax a bottle in anticipation of him waking up- 2 seconds into I hear him on the monitor, feed Dax, change Dax's poopies, talk to Dax, play with Dax Graham wakes up
2:15- Wylie arrives and is pleasantly surprised that I remembered to set up Wii AND I brought in the books and games from garage. I ask him if he wants to help dust shelves and put away books and games or play Wii. He cleans.. Love that kid... Make all kids snack of popcorn, trail mix (I mixed at lunch), and juice then later chips.. THEY WERE STILL HUNGRY???!!!!
3:30-4:30- broke up tons of fights again and tried my hardest to keep bigger kids quiet and Dax sleeping. Tiff arrives and a HUGE SIGH OF RELIEF is heard all throughout the house! :)
4:30-5:00- make dinner
5:00- on- eat dinner, veg on couch, blogging, fbooking, talking to Besties (Billie Joe and Riki) via house phone and text... wondering if Riki will EVER let me know if I am buying her a plane ticket to come on Friday... Yes this Friday.. Yes we are crazy!

1 comment:

  1. WHAT a great post. The pictures really said it all, though!!!

    My daughter played with her Mac and produced some pix like these. I haven't had the gumption to post them but just might do it now!!

    Blessings, dear one.
