Thursday, May 19, 2011

having a voice

I love my doctor's office. I do. But... since implementing the chartless or electronic charts in their office I feel like there have been so many instances the quality of care is lower because of it. There have been times I think they have missed things because they don't have a paper chart in front of them. I as the patient am expected to give my full medical history at almost every visit when that should be something they have at their fingertips. I have to stay on top of things like never before, as if I don't have enough stress with this being a high risk pregnancy. Several of the nurses are great and even remember details from my first pregnancy. But doctor's nurse (who also saw me my whole first pregnancy, and has seen me weekly since week 28) acts as if I am a completely new patient each week. And I know she doesn't see as many patients as the other nurses in there. I hate pointing fingers but something is wrong with that picture that she can't remember the big things even- like me having a cerclage or getting weekly shots... or even a general- I'm a high risk pregnancy... I also feel like the communication has gone way down hill. Someone always going out to ask someone else what is supposed to be happening because its not written down anywhere. Its all very frustrating and stressful and overwhelming for an already stressed to the max mama. I have heard but not witnessed for myself that other dr offices in town have computers in each room and the nurse pulls up your chart before the doctor comes in and has it all there in front of him. At my office sometimes his nurse comes in, measures me, takes the heartbeat- sometimes tells me, most of the time I ask, then goes and writes something different in the computer. Then another nurse comes in to give me my injection. These are the AWESOME nurses who answer my questions, spend time with me calming me down after dr's nurse tells me I measured 4 weeks bigger. Or talks to me about one of the many extra medical issues I seem to have this time. Or how about how it was actually one of those AWESOME nurses who actually caught the hypothyroidism? And elevated heart rate? All things that can be (but luckily aren't in mine) a big deal in pregnancy. Well at least I pray they aren't or don't prove to be. Then dr comes in takes two looks at me and basically says every week: "keep doing what we've been doing what we've been doing and oh what is that by the way"... the dates of when things are going to be happening keep changing for instance for the longest time it was going to be 36 weeks for weaning off meds... now he says 38. It was going to be 36 weeks for taking the cerclage out... now its 38 as well. or this sono deal where they specifically told me it was to look at baby and get measurements and posistion etc... why else would I invite my mom along? It turns out its just to measure the cervix which once again is fine- duh u have been checking it weekly.

Don't get me wrong my doctor is amazing in many ways. Without him I truly believe my Grahammy would have been severely premature. Without him I believe this pregnancy could have gone way differently. I trust him fully. I just wish I could get some straight answers somedays. Is it too much to ask?
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