Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Play dough poop!

So my dad used to do this hilarious thing where he pretended to eat the "food" we made him... Play dough cookies, plastic food, Legos etc... When we weren't looking he would shove it down his overalls, or shirt and then a while later when we were least expecting, he'd stand up and say how bad he had to poop and make fart noises... And then out of his pants would drop whatever he had "eaten". Just like he pooped in the floor!!!! And we would laugh and laugh and laugh until we almost busted a gut! Well in the spirit of hilarious parenting I "ate" Graham's play dough swirly whirly cookie and while he wasn't looking tucked it in my shirt. Then I exclaimed, I have to poop, I have to poop! And squatted down and grunted and made fart noises and out on the floor drops his swirly whirly cookie, which by the way already looked like a turd. Sure enough, he has my weirdo sense of humor genes and he laughed and laughed until I thought he was choking. Oh the fun!

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