Friday, March 16, 2012

Poo Free: just another step to remove toxins from our home.

I have been using toxin free cleaners, soaps, detergent and lotions since September. I'm not telling you anything by telling you our skin is out biggest organ. And we absorb everything we put on to it into our bloodstreams. Including our hair. Did u know that some popular baby soaps contain formaldehyde? Babies are being born with formaldehyde in their blood systems because of products we use to clean our homes, dishes clothes and even ourselves! Yikes! Our dishwasher detergents put of toxic fumes our family is breathing in. It's scary stuff people!
After hearing (if you want to hear more- call, text or email me!!) and researching this, it was a no brainer that we would do all we could to eliminate as much of this from our home as we could! I have been using Melaleuca products to ensure our home is safe and as toxic free as can be for my family.
When I saw my Sister in law pinned a site all about going poo free I was intrigued. She started using vinegar for her conditioner and on her face and had fantastic results right away. I began about two weeks after her and it's been a week and a half now and I'm loving it! I encourage you to research it more and see if it's a fit for your family! :)
I have also kept an eye on how much soap I'm using on my kiddos and how often we wash their hair. BR is a super messy eater but her hair rinses so clean just with water. Same for G! I'm not sure why we get it so in our heads that we have to suds up to get clean.

Anywho, enough for my rant. I hope this encourages some of you to look further into making your home a safer place to live by removing the toxins! :)

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