Wednesday, May 2, 2012

I am not a big "blog on current events" type of girl...

Whoopi's comment about people who help women breast feed being bone heads outrages me! Ugh!

When will society once again see breast feeding is healthy, natural and God's intended way of nourishing babies? When will it no longer be taboo to breastfeed in public? When will hospitals and doctors stop pushing formula on new mothers instead of encouraging them in every way possible to breastfeed? We have gotten so far away from the "norm", the intended way of feeding our children! We now think bottles and formula are the norm and that moms who nurse are the Abnormal. It certainly doesn't help when we have public figures making idiotic comments like the one Whoopi made!

I will be eternally grateful to those boneheads who encouraged me to keep trying! I wish there had been more boneheads to help me with my breastfeeding journey with Graham. I Pray for more boneheads to Inform and teach new moms!

I am in no way a BF'ing Nazi! I don't put down mothers who can't or don't try. I was one of them myself- the first go round. I was what many first time moms are: sleep deprived, unable to make rational decisions, un-informed, alone in many ways and without the support I needed. I am so grateful for the boneheads who have kept me going this go round! 10 months and counting. And it has gone so incredibly fast. Yes there were days I didn't think I could continue to nurse her. Days I wanted to give up and rely on artificial milk to feed her. On those days i called or texted one of my boneheads and they helped me work through the problems I was having and keep on keeping on! I am going on at least a year of sleep deprivation because of the pregnancy and breastfeeding but I would NOT change a thing! Soon it will all be over and she will be going to preschool and dressing herself like her big brother and I will be regretting I didn't try to make it last longer.

So, You wanna know who I think is a bonehead (as well as some other words I won't mention on here)? People in public roles who make stupid comments that could affect people's views on things that are so important like breastfeeding! Great Job Whoopi. You made yourself look like a whopping jack ass.

1 comment:

  1. My mom was unable to nurse us, but I grew up around families whose mothers breastfed their babies so it's pretty normal to me.
    This is just my my personal opinion but I think the reason it's become abnormal is because women's breasts have become seen as a sexual part of anatomy. Over the past 30 years nudity and sexualization of women has become more rampant in media of all types - movies, tv, magazines, etc. And it's hard for people to understand that boobs are NOT just for gratification but they were designed for feeding children! People don't like the idea that babies get food from them, because they're only relatable in a sexual manner. Disgraceful and disgusting if you ask me. I'm all for boobs being pleasing to your own man of course, but not when that's the only acceptable function of them.
    I'm hoping that one day when I have kids I'll have the ability to nurse them too. :) Good post!
