Wednesday, August 25, 2010

2 2morrow

Lana Mae- My dear little niece who will be 2!!! tomorrow.

Where did time go?

A few of her cute little saying this morning:
I not reach that. U help me? (what 2 yr old knows the word reach??)
Grahammy that is my cup!
I go downstairs play.
I watch Elmo.
That my baby Dax.
I want sucka too.
I have tea party.
spin around.
my smoothie not come out.
I tired. I get pillow, blank.

As I sit on the couch writing this they are jumping up and down making war cries! and spinning in circles... It couldn't be the suckas they are eating at 9:30 in the morning.

What happened to the days they laid on the floor not moving? Or slept in the swing?
Or drank ba-ba's and had to be spoon fed? She is all grown up!!! I can't wait to give her all her new purple clothes!


  1. GREAT new design, girl.
    How do you do it all?

    LOVE your momma's and writer's voice.

    You have treasured these print this off and put it in her baby book.


  2. If I didn't have FB, blogging and reading to escape from my stay at home mommy life- I would need xannax, ice cream and lots more cheese! :)

    I hope that someday I do get these printed off for their baby books! :)
