Friday, November 19, 2010

Random Randomness

We found out last month that we are expecting our next little Rebbec in June! Hopefully this pregnancy goes a little smoother than G's did.So far so good. I have had a few food aversions (tuna, hotdogs to name a couple) and lots of the sinus issues I had with Graham but no big issues! so Yay! We are expecting to have the cerclage surgery the week of Christmas or the week after. They will watch me closely for a week after and it means a week of bedrest but hopefully if everything goes well- No bed rest after that! I already had to quit babysitting and have to often have help with lifting Graham and I'm only 8 1/2 weeks along. I really miss not seeing Lana, Dax and Wylie daily.

As some of you know, My dad had a stroke in October and has pretty much recovered fully since then. I am excited that he and my brother Will are going to be here for two weeks at Christmas. It's been too long since I've seen them and since they have seen the little ones.

Graham had a great follow up appt after his tubes and Dr. Russell thinks this should do the trick and hopefully no more ear infections. We did decide to get him evalutated for his sensory needs. We should hear something the beginning of next week to set it all up. IN the meantime the kid is talking us in circles, he becomes more and more opinionated each day, speaks in full sentences and has a cute sense of humor. HE has started whispering things and one of his favorite past times is to hide under the random blankets around the house and whisper to whomever will hide with him, apparently he also sees "stars" under there! He often tells us "Mom (or Dad) on Floor! Hide! Blankies!" He reads books to us and to himself and is picking up on some of the words to his favorite Kindermusik and non Kindermusik songs and asks mom to sing them lots at home. We also have a new game in the car- we talk about the different vehicles on the road as we are going places just this week he told he he sees "chocolate cars and trucks". I adore the little booger so much. And yes, he is still hooked on Boogers too!

As I shared on Facebook tonight we asked him "Graham did u poop?" "No I farted" "Are you lying" "No I not Lion RAWR!!!" He is such a hoot to listen to!

And today marks exactly ONE MONTH til Mary Bethy comes home! I cannot wait. I miss her like CRAZZZZZYYYY!

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