Tuesday, June 7, 2011

37 week update

Well we went in hoping I'd dilated more so he'd take the stitches out and let me go but no such luck. Still just 1 cm. They talked me into the last shot because my doctor is gone most of this weekend and is scared I'd go into labor while he's gone. Needless to say I was disappointed, upset, frustrated and overwhelmed. I cried. A lot. I cried to my husband and my favorite nurse Kelly who always cheers me up. I measured 39 weeks. I've come to expect to be large.. Her Heart rate was 156. And Kelly promised I would not be pregnant in July... In fact she said she would be happy to tell him to induce me if I'm still pregnant on the 21st. OH LORDY I hope not! :) My poor husband was sooo apologetic. He apparently thinks I might lose it soon if I don't have her. I should use this to my advantage but really I feel bad for him.

By the time I left I had dried most of it up and even made some jokes in the lobby with some volunteers I've gotten to know while I waited on my car from Valet. While down there some random (white trash) woman asked if I was just having one. I replied "yep just one" and she didn't even respond to me just walks away and says very loudly to her friend "OH MY GOD! DID U SEE HER??? SHE LOOKS LIKE SHE IS AT LEAST HAVING TWOOOO BABIES! SHE"S HUGE!" So I sat down and calmly said to whoever was listening "well at least when I have my baby I won't be fat anymore. she still will be. So what's her excuse..." To which one of the very friendly volunteers says "you should have asked her when she was due with her twins".. hahahahahaha! I immediately was cheered up of any left over frustration.

I left and was still bummed- every time I have to tell another person it won't be soon I wanna cry again. But I got to my mom's and the sweet kids got out of the pool to give me a kiss. Well not my kid but Kyrsten and Wylie did. So I asked Wy If I could take him to lunch for his bday which was weeks ago and we'd do some shopping in this 95 degree heat.. Of course he wanted to! And of course he picked the worst place possible... Fiesta. But it was delish and I honestly don't think it alone could do much more damage to my ankles... LOL!

By the time we were done I was completely at peace with all of it. BR will be here when she gets here. Even if that's when Dr is out of town, on Dax's birthday party day, On Dax's actual 1st birthday, Uncle T dogs birthday or our anniversary. Either way it won't be longer than two weeks and that's a short time to wait for one of God's most amazing gifts! the gift of LIFE! :) Besides, I needed taught a little extra patience before I have two little boogers to deal with.

A side note: My conversation with my darling baby boy this morning

G: Uh OH MOmmy I pooping my pants
B: let's go to the potty quick
G: no my gma puts my underwears on me and I sit on her potty
B: we can put ur underwears on here and sit on ur potty here
G: No, my gma do it. I already pooped in my dipey.
B: Well let's change it quick before gma gets here to pick u up.
G: No I hiding from u. I messing with this light (rubbing a lamp and pretending it's super important)
B: Ok fine If u don't come over here by the time I count to 3- U can go to ur room for a time out.
G: No mommy u not count to 2. U not put me in time out. U not spank my booty.
B: then get over here and lay down. Oh look there's gma in the driveway now
G: (runs over and plops down legs in the air for a diaper change) Ok mommy U change my dipey now and I not get in time out or get spanking...
B: Oh Grahammy! I am NEVER teaching ur sister to talk. EVER!

I love that little boy and I am constantly amazed by how his little mind works. Faster than MOmmy and Daddy's most days that's for sure. :)

And one more thing: how my husband has amused me today...
He had gotten dressed, had shoes on and was about to walk out the door when I noticed his shirt was inside out. And then he calls when I'm at the dr office waiting on him and he says "I'm on Veterans instead of Main... I don't know where I was going so Umm I"m gonna be late"... and he has been sooooo apologetic because I didn't get the news I wanted at the dr. he's too cute.

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