Friday, March 2, 2012

Crying it out

I go back and forth, back and forth on whether or not crying it out is right for our family. My reasons for not wanting to do it have ranged from: her feeling like we don't love her and therefor causing trust issues, to waking her brother, to the physical pain it causes me to hear her cry. My reasons for wanting to do it: she is stubborn, smart and spoiled. The three dangerous "S's". Ha! She has not gone to sleep on her own for 8 months. Mostly our fault because each time she got the slightest stuffy nose or another ear infection or was just fussy, daddy sleeps on the couch with her. We likes this. A lot.
But 8 months of no sleeping in the same bed, broken sleep, and playing musical beds has taken its toll on the romance and ultimately our marriage. We are tired, cranky and over this whole not ever sleeping in the same bed thing.
So last night my exhausted, but wonderfully sweet husband had had enough! She was clearly exhausted. She didn't wanna be put down, didn't want to be held and didn't wanna nurse. So he put her in her crib where she cries standing up for about 10 minutes and whimpered softly for about another 6 while she laid down. Normally, 10 minutes is my max. I freak out!!! I start having trouble breathing and sometimes cry. So I give him or Martin does so I don't flip out. Last night I wanted to trust his instincts and I was distracted by my sister in law being here so I let her go. I was AMAZED that she laid down and went to sleep. On. Her. Own.
So I tried it again for morning nap. 6 minutes and she was out!
I will keep this up because obviously she has learned a bad behavior and we all know she can un learn it!
:) yay for sleep!!!

1 comment:

  1. Glad to read that I will someday get to sleep in bed with my husband again! My daughter is a bit young to move to her crib yet, but someday...
