Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Take a deep breath and regroup.

Today was G's first OT appointment. I'm an OTA. So this bugs me extra. Shouldn't all of this have been done already? Don't I know what needs implemented and how to do it? And every single time I started to think about all we NEED to get started for him to be better off, I started breathing faster and my chest for tight and I started to freak out. And I know I should schedule some family counseling for us and maybe get back on some anxiety meds and yet I'm so focused on him I haven't yet made the calls.
When I'm home and they're busy I'm sitting, mind racing so I get on Facebook and get sucked into others lives. What does so and so have going on thats worse than what I'm dealing with here? And then I see people asking questions I don't care to answer but I'm not trying to hide. Just steering away front that unwanted advice or judgement that I feel I'm getting when I read between the lines. People that just give off that feeling that they're not there for support, just to be nosy and tell you how they feel you should be handling things or that what you're doing is wrong. I just can't handle it right now in my life. I need to take a breather. Relax and focus on family. I did a lot of thinking while out today. I decided I wanted to deactivate my FB account. Why do I need so badly for 344 people to know my personal business everyday? I will dearly miss those I don't get to see often, like all my NC friends and their gorgeous babies. But I need this worse. I need time to get my crap together. To get my butt in gear. Those whom I'm close to I will still be in touch with.
In the meantime, I will be working on visual schedules for G to help with transitions and some sensory stuff as well! We also have his domain meeting on Thursday am to determine whether or not he will get into school and if so what extra evals they want to do to determine what services they will provide for him. I hope to potty train BR in the near future if G starts school and we get that schedule down. :) I also hope to have a TON of time on my hands to organize my house to be more efficient for us! I've already started in the kids' rooms! Yay!
I love ya all! I hope to keep in touch via email. Brrr1984@yahoo.com

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