Thursday, March 31, 2011


So it's seeming to be the point in my pregnancy where my uterus doesnt want to behave. Ive started having contractions more regularly than is comfortable for myself, my doctor and my family. Guess it means time to lay low and quit cleaning! But there lies the biggest problem- something that can only be describes as a CRAZY feeling- I get it quite often now... to clean! I have never been the cleaningest person ever before in my life but something about this pregnancy makes me feel ocd or obsessed or something. I dont like it, my husband feels like I undermine him I'm sure because I'm always going over what he has just done with a fine toothed comb and then making my adjustments. Crumbs! I hate crumbs on the counter or stuck on food in the sink or grime on the stove top or little food droppings on the floor around Graham's chair. All of it makes me spin out of control and into a frenzy of cleaning! And one thing leads to another and next thing i know ive organized a closet, swept, mopped, vaccuumed, dusted, wiped down couters and table tops etc. Which reminds me i had better tell my husband about cleaning the fridge because its probably going to be my next victim if i go nuts again... for now its "rest time" just what the doctor ordered- like really he insisted... or else!!!
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