Saturday, September 17, 2011

playing catch up

As I rocked my sick little baby girl in my arms and held one hand over her face to the noise of the blow dryer today, it hit me how incredibly blessed I am. I love little moments when God taps on my shoulder and says "isn't this the best?".

We've been working on bed, and meal time prayers with Graham. It is my absolute favorite time of day with him right now. At bed time we read a few books while laying in bed and then say our prayers. I've always told him at night that I thank God for him every day so now we thank God together for the important things in our life. He comes up with some two year old things like "tractor shows and parks and corn festival" to thank Him for and I love that sweet sweet innocence. :)

BellaRose is growing growing growing! They BOTH are. Graham is in 4 and 5T clothes and BellaRose in 6 months! ARGH! Make them stop!I am so grateful for my healthy little (big) boogers.

We got rid of our "smart" phones this week and the internet with it, we replaced it with really really dumb ones. LOL!! BUT----- It's going to save us 75 bucks a month. I am more relaxed already with it gone. How weird is that? I was entirely too tied to my phone and several times now I have not known where it was for hours and not even freaked out!

This week starts our full fall schedule. Monday- home or errands and appts Tues- Kindermusik, Wednesday- Mom's group at church, Thursday- 1st and 3rd playdate at Methodist church and Friday- chillax day! I tend to do better with a schedule so I am excited about this. The mom's group on Wednesday's is new to me and I'm a tad nervous/anxious about leaving my BR in "daycare (lamb2lamb)but mom time will be ok.

This fall weather is amazing! always makes me feel so refreshed and alive! CAn't wait for pumpkin patches and leaves turning and bonfires and halloween!

Love to all! I am going to try to update this more often for sure!

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