Monday, September 19, 2011

Random Ramblings on this Drizzly Dreary Day

I'm impressed and not impressed, all at the same time, at Graham's new ability to open the fridge and retrieve anything he likes at any time.

We're working on removing clothing and putting on clothing for potty training... It may be awhile.

BellaRose is 3 months old! Where did the time go? She thinks she can sit up. She does these little crunches in her swing that make me giggle. She HAS to be held and patted and bounced and rocked just right to be put to sleep. She likes blowdryer and vacuum noise to calm her. She is truly a little princess. And I wouldn't have it any other way!

Fall seems to be here! Highs in the low 70's, drizzly dreary days, dark mornings- windows down, blankie,hoodie and jean weather, I LOVE IT!

I'm LOVE LOVE LOVING this new all natural online store- Meleleuca! My house, body, laundry etc all looks and smells amazing and is soft and clean all without having toxic chemicals in the house!

Balancing bills on a now weekly paycheck instead of the the twice a month one is a CHALLENGE! I'm about to turn this chore over to the hubs. I know I need to crack the whip on the spending but man it's tough!

Graham has a MOUTH on him. I don't know why I expected him to be a sweet, quiet, polite, kind, and innocent little guy for all his life----Look at his uncles!!!

We leave on vacation in Gulf Shores and the count down is 11 days and I'm crapping my pants with stress over packing, and driving and living in a house with family all week! Let's hope the sand, sun and waves can calm this anxious momma.

Did I mention we have another trip planned for January to Florida for a wedding on Graham's birthday??

We started Kindermusik last week and MOM2MOM this week. Super excited for time out with other mom's but a tad nervous about leaving princess with strangers in the nursery for 2 hrs a week (at MOM2MOM)! yikes!

I get my ring back this week!!! Remember that horrible saga where I thought (like a BIG DUMMY) it fit again and had to have it sawed into pieces so I didn't lose my finger when it didn't? Yea, its going to set us back $335 bucks... Oh well. I think I learned my lesson.

Lana told me today she has friends who live at school. :) She seems to be loving preschool and it still makes me sad to see her come home with her little bag.

I've started seeing a new chiropractor and a therapist. A chiro for back and neck pain (alot of which is caused by stress and being a mommy) and a therpist for anxiety and OCD behaviors (though those have been less and less lately). The multiple appointments and arranging child care and running (& affording gas) back and forth to Bloomington has me more stressed out and anxious and in pain (back and bank account) than I was before I decided this all was a good idea.

We got rid of the smart phones and I can see the need for them now. This one I have now is really really DUMB but I have to say my anxiety level is a little lower and I'm more laid back not having all the gizmo's and gadgets and whatnots on my phone. I've lost it a few times and not even freaked out. and I'm always leaving it in the car now to run inside somewhere. IT's actually kind of nice.

Graham says we live in a castle on 6th street. His mommy is the queen, his daddy the king, his sister the princess and he's the prince (sometimes he's a princess too depending on the day) last night, he told his aunt MaryBeth she was the BEAST! bahahahaha!!!

OK OK OK! I need to go do something productive like clean up lunch before the 3 sleeping beauty's wake up!

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