Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Simply simple

I've been trying to eliminate some stress and anxiety in my life by slowing down to take in the simple things...

Simple things make me happy. Simple things like

Baby sighs
and baby thighs

Story times with G and being silly to see how hard I can make him giggle

Letting the kids be kids by playing in mud puddles and getting filthy in the sand box filled with rain water

Spontaneous Picnics in the park

Watching my husband be the best daddy ever

rocking baby
singing lullabys to baby

playing cards with Wy-diggity

chatting on the phone without looking at the time

walks with family or friends

drives in the country to see the corn being harvested and the trees starting to change

sitting in the sunshine

pumpkin spice lattes

It's amazing what can put a smile on your face when you turn off the tv, put down the cell phones and take it all in. I'm sure there's so many more I can come up with. But for now I'm going to sign off and take in more of life's simple things. And thank God I can slow down to appreciate them today.

1 comment:

  1. You are so right, Brenda. I really need to follow your lead and just unplug for awhile!!
