Tuesday, May 25, 2010


This might be an understatement. The house is coming along. But little thanks goes to me. My mom, Martin, Jeff, and Marty have been busting their butts and we may get to move in some day... Possibly before school starts back up. No really, our unofficial move in date is the weekend of our anniversary/Father's Day. Happy Father's Day Hun- now carry some more crap to the new house...

Why haven't I been much help u ask? Well, DIARRHEA is her name-o. We have had the ever so lovely stomach flu here at our residence (still on Front Street)... Called the nurse's line on Monday only to be told- the diarrhea is lasting up to two weeks! OMG I can't take it any longer. And then just as I think Graham is over it, Lana gets it.

Did I mention the pile up of housework, that I would really rather not do, because we will soon be moving. Who needs to dust, clean sinks, floors, counter tops, bath tubs, and showers when u know u will just have to come back once everything is out and DO IT ALL OVER AGAIN. OH YEA and there is the cleaning to be done before we move in the new house. SOMEONE SHOOT ME PLEASE!

My momma has her knee surgery tomorrow, so there goes that free labor. :) She has been a Godsend and I will be lost trying to get crap done without her. But life will go on and the house will get done.

Look for your invitations to an Open House/Cookout when we get all settled, probably not until later in July.

1 comment:

  1. Oh dear, I do hope things shape up for you soon! I find that it's pretty helpful at times like you describe to steal a minute (literally, just a minute) to just breathe deeply. This too shall pass!

    Erin (channeling Patti Lacy, www.pattilacy.com)
