Thursday, May 6, 2010


Graham has many "security animals" now dubbed "stinkies" by his mama.

I thought I was so clever getting rid of the paci only 3 months after he got it. I was not going to be one of those mama's dragging around a 3 year old with a paci. His auntie Mary B had given him a "deflated dog" before he was born. Think Beanie Baby with no beans. He latched onto it at some point, I can't remember when...

His Gma's then "needed" animals at their houses.

His Gma Rebbec found deflated frogs (his nursery is in frogs) and his Gma Mueninghoff had a cat or bear.

We also bought a newer blue bear mini blankie with just the bear head.

Somewhere along the way his Gma Rebbec found another frog blankie with just frog head and arms.

I was in Bergners with him one day and he was getting antsy in his stroller when we strolled by some dogs blankies. Of course I had forgotten his "animal of the day" in the car and he "HAD" to have this one. The dang thing was 25 bucks! Good thing Mommy remembered her coupon for 10 bucks off or he woulda been disappointed that day.

Why "stinkies" you ask? All of these random animals have replaced the paci momma insisted on taking away. So now instead of a paci at 3 years old he will be more like a hobo with animals clipped all over him for him to suck/chew on. I sometimes call them chewies when they are clean. Which is rarely because 5 minutes out of the wash and he has smelled them all up again. And yes, the child brushes his teeth, dont ask me how they get so smelly but they do and it's gross!

He has also latched onto one of his blankies he got from Aunt Tiff. Apparently the texture was always her kids' favorites and now it is Grahammy's too! He buries his head in it and giggles and sighs. Too cute!

Which reminds me- NOTE TO SELF- DO NOT ever again attempt to wash all "stinkies" at one time! This results in a very cranky mad at mommy little boy who screams until the wash is done and u have to give him a wet frog, dog or bear to chew on while the rest go in the dryer...

Today he has around 8 or so "stinkies" in his crib and scattered throughout the house. I almost always keep one in the diaper bag or my purse. Both gma's are in possesion of at least one to keep at their house. Did I mention that these "stinkies" have to come out of his crib with him when he gets up and all go back in when he goes to nap. It's a job I tell ya!

And now of course Lana has decided she needs security animals too. So she HAS TO HAVE a baby, bunny, and CAT in her bed and it also comes out with her and back in.

Whew! Just thinking about it makes me tired! But I have to admit, I still have the blankie I stole from my granny when I was 4! :) <3<3<3<3<3

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