Thursday, May 13, 2010

oh where oh where has that sippy cup gone?

I can say with quite a bit of confidence that I am not the first parent to have a sippy cup go MIA. Graham has a favorite one by Gerber with ABC's on it and I was sure for weeks that it was at my moms. (Although I tease her regularly, she really is pretty good at returning them) It wasn't until I cleaned out my atrociously dirty, disgusting, trash can, catch all of a car that I discovered his favorite sippy cup under the drivers seat and opened it with great care only to be horrified to find the last drink it contained was... Drum roll... Yep, you guessed it- milk! Gross, nasty, yucky, smelly- in the trash it went.

Several times in the past few months since both Graham and Lana have been on a sippy cup regularly- I have found them to go missing in the middle of the day, when we haven't left home and I only have 4 rooms in this apartment and two stayed closed all day! Hmmmmm... Check the fisher price dryer: nope, check the play kitchen cabinets: nope, check the real kitchen cupboards and drawers, only a limited amount of them don't have locks: nope, check under couches and chairs: nope, check in the closet and under the beds in Graham's room: nope! Where in the world can the darn sippy cup be? Fast forward to the kids getting up from their naps, have one getting changed the other wandering around in the living room, next thing I know they have the sippy cup again! Amazing! They should put these guys on CSI to find criminals! Its ridiculous! And exhausting. Most days I would rather just find the nasty, dirty, stinky cup days later and throw it out and buy new because the hunt is so frustrating!

If its not sippy cups; its socks in the laundry! Or a missing shoe, or coat, or "stinkie"...

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