Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Grahammy-I love you through and through...

For one of Graham's baby showers- instead of a card, attendees were asked to bring a book and inscibe a little note to Graham. He recieved everything from Little Golden Books, to my childhood favorites and firsts (The Big Hungry Bear and The Gingerbread Man) to books that are so precious to read over and over to little ones like "I Love You Though and Through". I had never read this book by Bernadette Rossetti-Shustak. It was a gift from my husband's great Aunt Dorothy. I love reading it because it is so true to life. I love every little quirk about this kid.

Tonight he had to sit on his potty and promptly requested a book. I think he is going to be a reader like his mommy. He proceeded to then lead me in his room and picked out several books, climbs up in his rocker and starts singing "rock bye baby". He is also going to be a singer like his mommy. This afternoon he comes carrying in a frying pan, two measuring cups and a hairbrush. He cooked and cooked and cooked those poor goldfish. Yep, he's going to be a cook like his mommy. He takes the camera often and says cheese. He's gonna be a ham like his mom. But he's like his daddy too... Five minutes after dinner he asks for a "snack"- a kid after his daddy's own heart. In fact, after all the "ideas" given to us on how to administer medicine to him, his daddy comes up with the idea to put a little in a spoon and cover it with M&M's... Oh how I love my boys. Through and Though.

1 comment:

  1. VERY poignant piece.
    Through and through is a great way of defining a hard-to-capture LOVE!

