Wednesday, April 28, 2010

I am too tired for a creative title tonight. A run down of our week.

1. Lana is speaking in full sentences. Not like two words either. Like fulllllll sentences... "I want to hold the baby", " I feed baby ba-ba", "Baby, Where are you?", "I want a snack", "Go Away Graham (she pronounces it Damn)", "Give it back Graham".... She is only 20 months old! Lord help us all!

2. Graham is talking too. Some of his new favorite phrases include: " snack, bye bye, hi, no (and he only shakes his head once, to one side, resembling someone trying to bite their own ear), yea, LANA!!!!, MAMA!!!!, cheese (whenever and wherever he sees a camera, please...

3. He is becoming his own little man too. Getting a personality... He is clingy towards me, and his dad, he loves to dance and be silly, and loves loves loves to climb EVERYTHING this week and proceed to jump on it.

4. Lana climbs everything too and mastered jumping long before I have ever known a child to jump... Guess where Graham gets his skills from???

5. This week has been rough on me otherwise. My baby brother, Will is in the hospital for hallucinations and paranoia and drug use. He is really having a rough time and it has been tough on our family as a whole. Please, we can use your prayers. He turns 16 tomorrow, in the hospital and we are not sure we can even take him cake...

6. He has expressed in the hospital that he would like to come live with us when he gets out. This scares me. I love him to death and have always played the role as a second mom to him but I don't know if I am ready to raise a teenager. Not to mention how hard it would be for my mom to give him up. But I pray God will let us know what HIS plan is for our family. I will take him, gladly, with open arms if it is what will help to make him happy and healthy again.

7. I got to babysit a 1 month old all day today. And even though Graham is ONLY almost 16 months old, I cannot believe he was once that little. Lana and Graham were adorable with her and it makes me feel like right now would be a good time to start trying for Baby Rebbec #2!!! I am off BC and we are not preventing it from happening but not to the point of going crazy trying. Pray that God will bless us again when it is our time...

8. I can't believe I got to # 8 and did mention OUR NEW HOUSE yet!!!!!! The inspections are on Friday and the closing date is set for May 28th. I am really excited under all the other emotions running rampant in my life right now! I think God chose this one for us for a reason! I can't wait to find out that reason!!!

9. Can Do Kids has been a blessing in my life but I can't continue on with the leadership it has now and it saddens me. I truly have come to adore those kids and I love seeing all the things they are learning about OUR SAVIOR, but it is becoming a burden on me, I am turning to a nasty mean person when I am done there because some people just irk me. The kids are fantastic and if I could take them out of the situation and away from the adults "leading" it I would be fine. I might look into the program they have at the Methodist Church instead.

Maybe this could be Nine at Night or something cool like that?! What do you guys think? My two followers. hee hee! :)

Good Night and God Bless!

1 comment:

  1. I LOVE the idea Nine at Night. And I will pray for you, dear one, and ask my friends too as well. What joy yet angst mix in your life. Whew. I'm tired JUST READING! Course I'm an old woman.

    May God give you His strength.
