Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Spring time fun and photo shoot!

Spring is my second favorite season. Second best only because I hate allergies and feeling like there is a dump truck parked on my face! I love to take the kids to the park int he wagon, I love watching them pick flowers out of strangers yards and hold up Dandelions like it's a prize winning rose! I love green grass and bare feet. I love the trees that bloom (even though they make me sneeze-ahhhhhchooo!)

Most of all I love taking pictures of the little ones outdoors! So here are just a few we have taken so far this spring!


  1. is that blonde your mom????? :o) totally with on loving to take pictures OUTSIDE. so much more fun!

  2. WOW! What an amazing time!!!

    Brenda, your writing continues to blow me away. "Dump truck parked on my face."

    Wow. Talk about descriptive. Noncliche.
    I am praying that you will get relief because you NEED to get these kids outside!!!

    BTW, when you get old and CAN retreat you don't NEED to retreat. Sigh.


    BTW, when I clicked on your name, it didn't bring me here!

  3. Ashley- Yes my mother looks fabulous huh???? I have never known her to look so good and feel so great!!! Not that you haven't always been gorgeous ma (but u know what I mean!

    Patti- I started new meds on Tuesday and I am toughing it out outside! I can't keep them locked up when it is so beautiful. I don't know what you mean about clicking on my name. I am still really new to this! :)
