Thursday, April 8, 2010

NOTE TO HUSBAND: BBQ sauce and new Easter shirts do not mix!

I will never claim to have the cleanest house, kids that don't have mashed potatoes behind their ears, or pop tart stuck in their hair. But I do give some consideration to what I feed them and what they are dressed in.

For example, I usually know what shirts are ok to give the chocolate milk in, or strawberries. They are the ones with strawberry and chocolate milk stains already on them. After each holiday when their wardrobes usually get bigger with new things from grandma's, I am extra cautious to at least hopefully let the clothes make it through one or two meals before they get stains on it.

So you can see why today when my extra special loving husband was trying to help his already frazzled wife feed the kids lunch and gave them BBQ sauce to dip in I was kind of peeved. Both kids were wearing new shirts they just recieved for Easter! AAAARRRRRGGGGHHHHHHH!!!!! So as we speak the shirts have been sprayed and washed! Let's pray they come clean!


  1. love it! just read all your posts.... you will now be put into my google reader. welcome to blog world girly! have a good week!

  2. Thanks Ashley! It is fun to blog when I have the time. I have a friend (Danielle McLaurin's sister Amanda) who does a Tuesday Ten she calls it. It's pretty cute. I am thinking of committing myself to something like that. But maybe doing it Wednesday nights to wind down after Can Do Kids at church! :)
