Sunday, April 11, 2010

What I would give to be a 6 Yr Old Boy!

Today I took my 5 almost 6 yr old nephew and his 6 yr old friend on a date. We went to lunch then to a movie. On our 20 minute drive to town the boys found a piece of asphalt in my car that sparked the most hilarious conversation.

Wylie to me- " What's the stuff called that roads and pavement are made of"?
Me- Asphalt, Why?
Him- "Remember when I used to call Asphalt- Buttfault?"
Wylie to his friend - (laughing) "Get it? Butt-fault instead of Ass-fault... You know so I didn't have to say the "bad" word...
His friend- (laughing) "Yea like it's your butt's fault not my butt's fault. POOP COMES OUT OF YOUR BUTT FAULT. POOP COMES OUT OF YOUR BUTT CRACK." (farting noises)

Both boys laughing hysterically. Me trying not to crash the car laughing but trying to hold it in so they don't know how funny I think they are.

Wylie to his friend- "Hey wouldn't it be funny if the whole world was made of poop. We would ride in poop cars, and there would be poop roads and we would have to eat poop!" (still laughing hysterically)

The friend to Wylie- "That would be really smelly!" Hey what if the whole world farted at the same time?"

Me- (I now can't resist joining in their fun) "that would be really smelly!" (still Laughing my head off! but neither boy laughs)

As we are turning into the restaurant the voice of reason-Wylie- "Hey now! No talk of poop while we are eating"

Me to myself- (BUT YOU STARTED IT!)

They mixed all the different kinds of pop together and actually drank it!!!We ate and they watched an ESPN special as we did and they talked about all the teams. The lady in front of us stopped by our table on the way out to exclaim "your boys are the funniest! We loved their conversations!" me- "Thanks they're not mine!" under my breath (hooray for that) out loud to myself- "how in the world am I still gonna make it thru the movie with these two hams?"

I did make it! The movie was even cute! But I swear again (for the 4th time) I will never see another 3D movie! They always give me headaches. Or is it maybe just the company I keep when seeing 3D movies?????

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